
March Sales Performance
April 1, 2005

  • For the sixth consecutive month, Bajaj Auto leads motorcycle volume and market share growth; Exports shoot past 24,000 mark.

March 05

March 2005 March 2004 Growth %
MOTORCYCLES 134,670 94,223 42.9
TOTAL 2 WHEELERS 144,776 118,680 22.0
3 WHEELERS 18,754 20,139 -6.9
TOTAL 2 & 3 WHEELERS 163,530 138,819 17.8
Exports out of the Above 24,404 13,625 79.1


Bajaj motorcycles have grown at 42.9% over March 2004, double the estimated industry growth of about 21%, representing a market share of 28.8% v/s 24.5% in March 04.

FY 05

FY 04~05 FY 03~04 Growth %
MOTORCYCLES 1,449,673 1,023,551 41.6
TOTAL 2 WHEELERS 1,604,660 1,288,298 24.6
3 WHEELERS 221,985 229,182 -3.1
TOTAL 2 & 3 WHEELERS 1,826,645 1,517,480 20.4
Exports out of the Above 196,692 156,007 26.1

Bajaj Auto's 2 & 3 wheeler sales cross 1.82 million units in FY 04-05 - an all time high.

Bajaj motorcycle sales grew at a scorching rate of 41.6% in an industry growing by 21%

Exports record 26% growth, maintaining No # 1 position in motorcycle, 2-wheeler, and 3-wheeler exports.

Almost 125,000 motorcycles were sold in international markets, establishing significant presence in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Colombia, Guatemala and other Central American countries.

Sanjiv Bajaj
Executive Director

Date: 1/4/2005
