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What is the engine capacity of Bajaj RE 4S Petrol?
Bajaj RE 4S Petrol has an engine capacity of 198.88cc.
What is the standout visual feature of Bajaj RE 4S Petrol?
Bajaj RE 4S Petrol has standout visual features such as bold colours, car-type seats and a muscular scudo design
What is the fuel tank capacity of Bajaj RE 4S Petrol?
Bajaj RE 4S Petrol has a fuel tank capacity of 8 litres.
What is the power output of Bajaj RE 4S Petrol?
Bajaj RE 4S Petrol has a power output of 7.6 kW.
What are the colours available for Bajaj RE 4S Petrol?
Bajaj RE 4S Petrol is available in four distinct colours: Red, Blue, Yellow and Green.