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Dividend History
Bonus History
Unclaimed Dividend/ IEPF

Dividend Information

Dividend History

Dividend history of Bajaj Auto Ltd. post demerger


Face value / share: 10

Dividend paid / share: 140

Dividend (%): 1400

Bonus in the Ratio of:


Face value / share: 10

Dividend paid / share: 140

Dividend (%): 1400

Bonus in the Ratio of:


Face value / share: 10

Dividend paid / share: 140

Dividend (%): 1400

Bonus in the Ratio of:


Face value / share: 10

Dividend paid / share: 120

Dividend (%): 1200

Bonus in the Ratio of:


Face value / share: 10

Dividend paid / share: 60

Dividend (%): 600

Bonus in the Ratio of:


Face value / share: 10

Dividend paid / share: 60

Dividend (%): 600

Bonus in the Ratio of:


Face value / share: 10

Dividend paid / share: 55

Dividend (%): 550

Bonus in the Ratio of:

31-03-2016 (Final Dividend)

Face value / share: 10

Dividend paid / share: 5

Dividend (%): 50

Bonus in the Ratio of:

31-03-2016 (Interim Dividend)

Face value / share: 10

Dividend paid / share: 50

Dividend (%): 500

Bonus in the Ratio of:


Face value / share: 10

Dividend paid / share: 50

Dividend (%): 500

Bonus in the Ratio of:


Face value / share: 10

Dividend paid / share: 50

Dividend (%): 500

Bonus in the Ratio of:


Face value / share: 10

Dividend paid / share: 45

Dividend (%): 450

Bonus in the Ratio of:


Face value / share: 10

Dividend paid / share: 45

Dividend (%): 450

Bonus in the Ratio of:


Face value / share: 10

Dividend paid / share: 40

Dividend (%): 400

Bonus in the Ratio of: 1.1


Face value / share: 10

Dividend paid / share: 40

Dividend (%): 400

Bonus in the Ratio of:


Face value / share: 10

Dividend paid / share: 22

Dividend (%): 220

Bonus in the Ratio of:


Face value / share: 10

Dividend paid / share: 20

Dividend (%): 200

Bonus in the Ratio of:

Note: Demerger of erstwhile Bajaj Auto Ltd was effected through an order of The Bombay High Court effective from 20 February 2008 and the new Bajaj Auto Ltd. came into being on 5 March 2008.

Bonus History

Bonus shares issued by Bajaj Auto Ltd. post demerger

Year Date of Issue Proportion
2010 13 - 09 - 2010 1.1

Bonus shares issued by erstwhile Bajaj Auto Ltd. (now known as Bajaj Holdings & Investment Ltd) prior to Demerger in February 2008

Year Date of Issue Proportion
1997 20 - 10 - 1997 1.2
1994 26 - 08 - 1994 1.1
1991 22 - 11 - 1991 1.1
1988 29 - 04 - 1988 1.1
1984 17 - 05 - 1984 1.1
1976 22 - 09 - 1976 1.1
1973 27 - 03 - 1973 1.1
1971 29 - 03 - 1971 1.1
1967 31 - 03 - 1967 1.1

Note: Company issued 34360 shares of Rs. 100/- each at par in the year 1960. In the year 1987, the company sub-divided equity shares of face value of Rs. 100/- each into Rs. 10/- each.
Demerger of erstwhile Bajaj Auto Ltd was effected through an order of The Bombay High Court effective from 20 February 2008 and the new Bajaj Auto Ltd. came into being on 5 March 2008.

The unclaimed Dividend for the year 2016-17 has been transferred into the Investor Education and Protection Fund. To claim the unclaimed amount/s, if any, for years, subsequent to 2016-17, the shareholders whose name/s appear/s in the said statement/s are requested to write to Mr. Mohd. Mohsinuddin from KFin Technologies Limited, Registrar and Share Transfer Agents of the Company, with the details of DP ID and Client ID or Folio Number.

Contact Person

Mohd. Mohsinuddin | mohsin.mohd@kfintech.com

As mandated under Rule 5(8) of the Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016, as amended, prescribed details of the unclaimed amount of dividend lying with the Company under section 125(2) for a period of seven years (from FY 2017-18 to FY 2023-24) are provided in the link given below:

Unclaimed Dividend for Last 7 Years as on 31 March 2024

In due compliance with provisions of Section 124(6) of the Companies Act, 2013 read with rules made thereunder, the Company has completed the required procedure for transfer of shares to the demat account of IEPF Authority. Details of such shareholders whose shares are transferred to IEPF and their unpaid dividends for the subsequent years are available to the concerned shareholders on the link given below:

Details of IEPF transfers (shares & dividends) w.r.t. S 124(6)

Details with respect to Section 124(6) of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 6(3)(a) of Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016 is provided below:

Details of shareholders whose shares are due for transfer in FY2024-25

Communication on Tax Deduction at Source on Dividends 2024-25

FAQ on Dividend Taxation FY 2024-25

Communication on Tax Deduction at Source on Dividends 2023-24

FAQ on Dividend Taxation FY 2023-24

Communication on Tax Deduction at Source on Dividends 2022-23

FAQ on Dividend Taxation FY 2022-23

BAL Communication on TDS FY 2021-22

BAL FAQ on Dividend Taxation FY 2021-22

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