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Disclosures to the stock exchange under reg 29 & 30

Stock Exchange Intimations

Analyst Presentation
Shareholding Pattern
Stock Exchange Filings

Analyst Presentation

Schedule of Analyst Call - January 2022 January 2022

Schedule of Analyst Call - November 2021 November 2021

Schedule of Analyst Call - October 2021 October 2021

Schedule of Analyst Call - September 2021 September 2021

Schedule of Analyst Call - August 2021 August 2021

Schedule of Analyst Call - July 2021 July 2021

Schedule of Analyst Call - April 2021 April 2021

Schedule of Analyst Call - May 2021 May 2021

Schedule of Analyst Call May 2021

Schedule of Analyst Call March 2021

Schedule of Analyst Call February 2021

Schedule of Analyst Call February 2021

Schedule of Analyst Call January 2021

Schedule of Analyst Call November 2020

Schedule of Analyst Call November 2020

Schedule of Analyst Call October 2020

Schedule of Analyst Call September 2020

Schedule of Analyst Call August 2020

Schedule of Analyst Call July 2020

Schedule of Analyst Call May 2020

Schedule of Analyst Call January 2020

Schedule of Analyst Call July 2019

Schedule of Analyst Call May 2019

Schedule of Analyst Call October 2019

Schedule of Analyst call 21 May 2018

Schedule of Analyst call 23 July 2018

Schedule of Analyst call 17 October 2018

Schedule of Analyst Call 22 Jan 2019

Schedule of Analyst call 21 July 17

Schedule of Analyst call 19 May 17

Schedule of Analyst call 18 October 17

Schedule of Analyst call 5 February 18

Schedule of Analyst call 31 Jan 17

Schedule of Analyst call 28 Oct 17

Schedule of Analyst call 26 May 16

Investor Meet December 2014

Bajaj Presentation September 2011

Post-Result Analyst Meet May 2010

Fund Managers' Meet 1 August 2009: 2 Wheeler Business – Domestic

Fund Managers' Meet 1 August 2009: Commercial Vehicle Business – Domestic

Fund Managers' Meet 1 August 2009: International Business

Post-Result Analyst Meet May 2009

Post-Result Analyst Meet 22 May 2008

Bajaj Presentation March 2008

Bajaj Presentation October 2007

Investors Meet September 2007

Investors Meet February 2007

US Analyst Meet September 2006


    NOTICE 1

    26 September 2018

    Corporate Relationship Dept
    BSE Limited
    1st Floor, New Trading Ring
    Rotunda Building, P J Tower
    Dalal Street, Fort
    MUMBAI 400 001

    BSE Code : 532977

    Corporate Listing Department
    National Stock Exchange of India Ltd
    Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor
    Plot No.C-1, G Block
    Bandra-Kurla Complex
    Bandra (East), MUMBAI 400 051


    Dear Sir/s :

    Sub: Intimation under Regulation 29 of SEBI Listing Regulations, 2015

    This is to inform you that the Board of Directors of Bajaj Auto Limited will meet on Wednesday, 24 October 2018 at Pune to consider, inter alia, the unaudited financial results for the quarter and half year ending 30 September 2018.
    The Company will submit the unaudited financial results for the quarter and half year ending 30 September 2018, immediately after the Board Meeting on 24 October 2018, i.e. within a period of Forty-five days from the end of the quarter of the said financial year 2018-19.
    Further, as per the Company’s Code of Conduct for prohibition of insider trading, the trading window for dealing in the securities of the Company would remain closed from 1 October 2018 to 26 October 2018 (both days inclusive) for the directors/officers/designated persons of the Company.

    Thanking you,
    Yours faithfully,
    for Bajaj Auto Limited,


    NOTICE 2

    28 December 2018

    Corporate Relationship Dept
    BSE Limited
    1st Floor, New Trading Ring
    Rotunda Building, P J Tower
    Dalal Street, Fort
    MUMBAI 400 001

    BSE Code : 532977

    Corporate Listing Department
    National Stock Exchange of India Ltd
    Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor
    Plot No.C-1, G Block
    Bandra-Kurla Complex
    Bandra (East), MUMBAI 400 051


    Dear Sir/s :

    Sub: Intimation under Regulation 29 of SEBI Listing Regulations, 2015

    This is to inform you that the Board of Directors of Bajaj Auto Limited will meet on 30 January 2019 at Pune to consider, inter alia, the unaudited financial results for the quarter and nine months ending 31 December 2018.
    The Company will submit the unaudited financial results for the quarter and nine months ending 31 December 2018, immediately after the Board Meeting on 30 January 2019, i.e. within a period of forty-five days from the end of the said quarter of the said financial year.
    Further, as per the Company’s Code of Conduct for prohibition of insider trading, the trading window for dealing in the securities of the Company would remain closed from 1 January 2019 to 1 February 2019 (both days inclusive) for the directors/officers/designated persons of the Company.

    Thanking you,
    Yours faithfully,
    for Bajaj Auto Limited,


    NOTICE 3

    17 April 2019

    Corporate Relationship Dept
    BSE Limited
    1st Floor, New Trading Ring
    Rotunda Building, P J Tower
    Dalal Street, Fort
    MUMBAI 400 001

    BSE Code : 532977

    Corporate Listing Department
    National Stock Exchange of India Ltd
    Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor
    Plot No.C-1, G Block
    Bandra-Kurla Complex
    Bandra (East), MUMBAI 400 051


    Dear Sir/s :

    Sub: Intimation under Regulation 29 of SEBI Listing Regulations, 2015

    This is to inform you that the Board of Directors of Bajaj Auto Limited will meet on Friday, 17 May 2019 at Pune to consider, inter alia, the audited financial results for the year ended on 31 March 2019 and recommendation of dividend on equity shares, if any, for the said year.
    The Company will submit the audited financial results for the financial year ended 31 March 2019, immediately after the Board Meeting on 17 May 2019, i.e. within a period of sixty days from the end of the financial year.
    As informed earlier vide our letter dated 3 April 2019, as per the Company’s Code of Conduct for prohibition of insider trading, the trading window for dealing in the securities of the Company would remain closed from 3 April 2019 to 19 May 2019 (both days inclusive) for the designated persons of the Company.

    Please take the above on your record.

    Thanking you,
    Yours faithfully,
    for Bajaj Auto Limited,


    NOTICE 1

    12 June 2017

    Corporate Relationship Dept
    BSE Limited
    1st Floor, New Trading Ring
    Rotunda Building, P J Tower
    Dalal Street, Fort
    MUMBAI 400 001

    BSE Code : 532977

    Corporate Listing Department
    National Stock Exchange of India Ltd
    Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor
    Plot No.C-1, G Block
    Bandra-Kurla Complex
    Bandra (East), MUMBAI 400 051


    Dear Sir/s :

    Sub: Intimation under Regulation 29 of SEBI Listing Regulations, 2015

    This is to inform you that the Board of Directors of Bajaj Auto Limited will meet on Thursday, 20 July 2017 at Pune to consider, inter alia, the unaudited financial results for the first quarter ending 30 June 2017.
    The Company will submit the unaudited financial results for the first quarter, immediately after the Board Meeting on 20 July 2017, i.e. within a period of forty five days from the end of the quarter of the said financial year.
    Further, as per the Company’s Code of Conduct for prohibition of insider trading, the trading window for dealing in the securities of the Company would remain closed from 1 July 2017 to 22 July 2017 (both days inclusive) for the directors/officers/designated persons of the Company.

    Thanking you,
    Yours faithfully,
    for Bajaj Auto Limited,


    NOTICE 2

    21 September 2017

    Corporate Relationship Dept
    BSE Limited
    1st Floor, New Trading Ring
    Rotunda Building, P J Tower
    Dalal Street, Fort
    MUMBAI 400 001

    BSE Code : 532977

    Corporate Listing Department
    National Stock Exchange of India Ltd
    Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor
    Plot No.C-1, G Block
    Bandra-Kurla Complex
    Bandra (East), MUMBAI 400 051


    Dear Sir/s :

    Sub: Intimation under Regulation 29 of SEBI Listing Regulations, 2015

    This is to inform you that the Board of Directors of Bajaj Auto Limited will meet on Tuesday, 17 October 2017 at Pune to consider, inter alia, the unaudited financial results for the quarter and half year ending 30 September 2017.
    The Company will submit the unaudited financial results for the quarter and half year ending 30 September, 2017, immediately after the Board Meeting on 17 October 2017, i.e. within a period of forty-five days from the end of the said quarter of the said financial year.
    Further, as per the Company’s Code of Conduct for prohibition of insider trading, the trading window for dealing in the securities of the Company would remain closed from 1 October 2017 to 19 October 2017 (both days inclusive) for the directors/officers/designated persons of the Company.

    Thanking you,
    Yours faithfully,
    for Bajaj Auto Limited,


    NOTICE 3

    03 January 2018

    Corporate Relationship Dept
    BSE Limited
    1st Floor, New Trading Ring
    Rotunda Building, P J Tower
    Dalal Street, Fort
    MUMBAI 400 001

    BSE Code : 532977

    Corporate Listing Department
    National Stock Exchange of India Ltd
    Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor
    Plot No.C-1, G Block
    Bandra-Kurla Complex
    Bandra (East), MUMBAI 400 051


    Dear Sir/s :

    Sub: Intimation under Regulation 29 of SEBI Listing Regulations, 2015

    This is to inform you that the Board of Directors of Bajaj Auto Limited will meet on Friday, 02 February 2018 at Pune to consider, inter alia, the unaudited financial results for the quarter and nine months ended 31 December 2017.
    The Company will submit the unaudited financial results for the quarter and nine months ended 31 December 2017, immediately after the Board Meeting on 02 February 2018, i.e. within a period of forty-five days from the end of the said quarter of the said financial year.
    Further, as per the Company’s Code of Conduct for prohibition of insider trading, the trading window for dealing in the securities of the Company would remain closed from 15 January 2018 to 04 February 2018 (both days inclusive) for the directors/officers/designated persons of the Company.

    Thanking you,
    Yours faithfully,
    for Bajaj Auto Limited,


    NOTICE 4

    18 April 2018

    Corporate Relationship Dept
    BSE Limited
    1st Floor, New Trading Ring
    Rotunda Building, P J Tower
    Dalal Street, Fort
    MUMBAI 400 001

    BSE Code : 532977

    Corporate Listing Department
    National Stock Exchange of India Ltd
    Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor
    Plot No.C-1, G Block
    Bandra-Kurla Complex
    Bandra (East), MUMBAI 400 051


    Dear Sir/s :

    Sub: Intimation under Regulation 29 of SEBI Listing Regulations, 2015

    This is to inform you that the Board of Directors of Bajaj Auto Limited will meet on Friday, 18 May 2018 at Pune to consider, inter alia, the audited financial results for the year ended 31 March 2018 and recommendation of dividend on equity shares, if any, for the said year...
    The Company will submit the audited financial results for the financial year ended 31 March 2018, immediately after the Board Meeting on 18 May 2018, i.e. within a period of Sixty days from the end of the quarter of the said financial year.
    Further, as per the Company’s Code of Conduct for prohibition of insider trading, the trading window for dealing in the securities of the Company would remain closed from 15 April 2018 to 20 May 2018 (both days inclusive) for the directors/officers/designated persons of the Company.

    Thanking you,
    Yours faithfully,
    for Bajaj Auto Limited,


    NOTICE 2

    17 April 2017

    Corporate Relations Department.
    BSE Limited
    1st Floor, New Trading Ring
    Rotunda Building, P J Tower
    Dalal Street, Fort
    MUMBAI 400 001

    BSE Code : 532977

    Corporate Listing Department
    National Stock Exchange of India Ltd
    Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor
    Plot No.C-1, G Block
    Bandra-Kurla Complex
    Bandra (East), MUMBAI 400 051


    Dear Sir/s :

    Sub: Intimation under Regulation 29 of SEBI Listing Regulations, 2015

    This is to inform you that the Board of Directors of Bajaj Auto Limited will meet on Thursday, 18 May 2017 at Pune to consider, inter alia, the audited financial results for the quarter and financial year ended 31 March 2017 and recommendation of dividend on equity shares, if any, for the said year.
    The Company will submit the audited financial results for the quarter and financial year ended 31 March 2017, immediately after the Board Meeting on 18 May 2017, i.e. within a period of sixty days from the end of the quarter of the said financial year.
    Further, as per the Company’s Code of Conduct for prohibition of insider trading, the trading window for dealing in the securities of the Company would remain closed from 15 April 2017 to 20 May 2017 (both days inclusive) for the directors/officers/designated persons of the Company.

    Thanking you,
    Yours faithfully,
    for Bajaj Auto Limited,


    NOTICE 3

    30 December 2016

    Corporate Relationship Dept
    BSE Limited
    1st Floor, New Trading Ring
    Rotunda Building, P J Tower
    Dalal Street, Fort
    MUMBAI 400 001

    BSE Code : 532977

    Corporate Listing Department
    National Stock Exchange of India Ltd
    Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor
    Plot No.C-1, G Block
    Bandra-Kurla Complex
    Bandra (East), MUMBAI 400 051


    Dear Sir/s :

    Sub: Intimation under Regulation 29 of SEBI Listing Regulations, 2015

    This is to inform you that the Board of Directors of Bajaj Auto Limited will meet on Tuesday, 31 January 2017 at Pune to consider, inter alia, the unaudited financial results for the quarter and nine months ending 31 December 2016.
    Further, as per the Company’s Code of Conduct for prohibition of insider trading, the trading window for dealing in the securities of the Company would remain closed from 1 January 2017 to 2 February 2017 (both days inclusive) for the directors/officers/designated persons of the Company.

    Thanking you,
    Yours faithfully,
    for Bajaj Auto Limited,


    NOTICE 4

    27 September 2016

    Corporate Relationship Dept
    BSE Limited
    1st Floor, New Trading Ring
    Rotunda Building, P J Tower
    Dalal Street, Fort
    MUMBAI 400 001

    BSE Code : 532977

    Corporate Listing Department
    National Stock Exchange of India Ltd
    Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor
    Plot No.C-1, G Block
    Bandra-Kurla Complex
    Bandra (East), MUMBAI 400 051


    Dear Sir/s :

    Sub: Intimation under Regulation 29 of SEBI Listing Regulations, 2015

    This is to inform you that the Board of Directors of Bajaj Auto Limited will meet on Friday, 28 October 2016 at Pune to consider, inter alia, the unaudited financial results for the quarter and half year ending 30 September 2016.
    The Company will submit the unaudited financial results for the quarter and half year ending, immediately after the Board Meeting on 28 October 2016, i.e. within a period of forty-five days from the end of the quarter of the said financial year.
    Further, as per the Company’s Code of Conduct for prohibition of insider trading, the trading window for dealing in the securities of the Company would remain closed from 1 October 2016 to 30 October 2016 (both days inclusive) for the directors/officers/designated persons of the Company.

    Thanking you,
    Yours faithfully,
    for Bajaj Auto Limited,


    NOTICE 5

    24 June 2016

    Corporate Relationship Dept
    BSE Limited
    1st Floor, New Trading Ring
    Rotunda Building, P J Tower
    Dalal Street, Fort
    MUMBAI 400 001

    BSE Code : 532977

    Corporate Listing Department
    National Stock Exchange of India Ltd
    Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor
    Plot No.C-1, G Block
    Bandra-Kurla Complex
    Bandra (East), MUMBAI 400 051


    Dear Sir/s :

    Sub: Intimation under Regulation 29 of SEBI Listing Regulations, 2015

    This is to inform you that the Board of Directors of Bajaj Auto Limited will meet on Wednesday, 27 July 2016 at Pune to consider, inter alia, the unaudited financial results for the first quarter ending 30 June 2016.
    The Company will submit the unaudited financial results for the first quarter, immediately after the Board Meeting on 27 July 2016, i.e. within a period of forty-five days from the end of the quarter of the said financial year.
    Further, as per the Company's Code of Conduct for prohibition of insider trading, the trading window for dealing in the securities of the Company would remain closed from 1 July 2016 to 29 July 2016 (both days inclusive) for the directors/officers/designated persons of the Company.

    Thanking you,
    Yours faithfully,
    for Bajaj Auto Limited,


    NOTICE 6

    17 June 2016

    Corporate Relationship Dept
    BSE Limited
    1st Floor, New Trading Ring
    Rotunda Building, P J Tower
    Dalal Street, Fort
    MUMBAI 400 001
    Email: corp.relations@bseindia.com

    BSE Code : 532977

    Corporate Listing Department
    National Stock Exchange of India Ltd
    Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor
    Plot No.C-1, G Block
    Bandra-Kurla Complex
    Bandra (East), MUMBAI 400 051
    Email: cmlist@nse.co.in


    Dear Sir/s :

    Sub: Intimation of Cut-off Date for e-voting

    We wish to intimate that in terms of Section 108 of the Companies Act, 2013, read with Rule 20 of the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014 as amended and Regulation 44 of SEBI Listing Regulations, 2015 , the Company shall provide its members the facility to exercise their votes electronically for transacting the items of business, as per details set out in the Notice convening the ensuing 9th Annual General Meeting of the Company scheduled on Wednesday, 27 July 2016, which is being sent in due course. For the aforesaid purpose, the Company has fixed 20 July, 2016 as Cut-off Date for the purposes of Rule 20 (4) (vii) of Companies (Management & Administration) Rules, 2014 as amended, to determine the entitlement of voting rights of members for e-voting.
    The Company has entered into an arrangement with Karvy Computershare Pvt. Ltd., the Share Transfer Agents of the Company for facilitating e-voting, through their e-voting platform i.e. www.evoting.karvy.com
    This is for your information and record Please.

    Thanking you,
    Yours faithfully,
    for Bajaj Auto Limited,


    NOTICE 7

    17 April 2017

    Corporate Relations Dept.
    BSE Limited
    1st Floor, New Trading Ring
    Rotunda Building, P J Tower
    Dalal Street, Fort
    MUMBAI 400 001
    Email: corp.relations@bseindia.com

    BSE Code : 532977

    Corporate Listing Department
    National Stock Exchange of India Ltd
    Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor
    Plot No.C-1, G Block
    Bandra-Kurla Complex
    Bandra (East), MUMBAI 400 051


    Dear Sir/s :

    Sub: Intimation under Regulation 29 of SEBI Listing Regulations, 2015

    This is to inform you that the Board of Directors of Bajaj Auto Limited will meet on Wednesday, 25 May 2016 at Pune to consider, inter alia, the audited financial results for the quarter and financial year ended 31 March 2016 and recommendation of final dividend on equity shares, if any, for the said year.
    The Company will submit the audited financial results for the quarter and financial year 2015-16, immediately after the Board Meeting on 25 May 2016, i.e. within a period of sixty days from the end of the last quarter of the said financial year.
    Further, as per the Company's Code of Conduct for prohibition of insider trading, the trading window for dealing in the securities of the Company would remain closed from 15 April 2016 to 27 May 2016 (both days inclusive) for the directors/officers/designated persons of the Company.

    Thanking you,
    Yours faithfully,
    for Bajaj Auto Limited,


    NOTICE 8

    30 December 2016

    Corporate Relationship Dept
    BSE Limited
    1st Floor, New Trading Ring
    Rotunda Building, P J Tower
    Dalal Street, Fort
    MUMBAI 400 001
    Email: corp.relations@bseindia.com

    BSE Code : 532977

    Corporate Listing Department
    National Stock Exchange of India Ltd
    Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor
    Plot No.C-1, G Block
    Bandra-Kurla Complex
    Bandra (East), MUMBAI 400 051


    Dear Sir/s :

    Sub: Intimation under Regulation 29 & 42 of SEBI Listing Regulations, 2015

    This is to inform you that the board of directors of Bajaj Auto Limited will meet on Wednesday, 9 March 2016 at Pune to consider, inter alia, declaration of interim dividend for the financial year ending 31 March 2016.
    Record Date for the purpose of interim dividend, if and when declared at the said Board meeting shall be 17 March 2016 and the payment thereof shall be credited / dispatched by around 28 March 2016 to such shareholders as on the Record Date.
    As per NSE Circular No NSE/CML/2013/15 dated 18 December 2013 regarding Trading Window Disclosures by Companies, this is to inform you that as per the Company's Code of Conduct for prohibition of insider trading, the trading window for dealing in the securities of the Company would remain closed the time of this notice till the end of 11 March 2016 (both days inclusive) for the directors/officers/designated employees of the Company, who have already been informed of the same.

    Thanking you,
    Yours faithfully,
    for Bajaj Auto Limited,


    NOTICE 9

    25 December 2015

    Corporate Relationship Dept
    BSE Limited
    1st Floor, New Trading Ring
    Rotunda Building, P J Tower
    Dalal Street, Fort
    MUMBAI 400 001
    Email: corp.relations@bseindia.com

    BSE Code : 532977

    Corporate Listing Department
    National Stock Exchange of India Ltd
    Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor
    Plot No.C-1, G Block
    Bandra-Kurla Complex
    Bandra (East), MUMBAI 400 051


    Dear Sir/s :

    Sub: Intimation under Regulation 29 of SEBI Listing Regulations, 2015

    This is to inform you that the board of directors of Bajaj Auto Limited will meet on Thursday, 4 February 2016 at Pune to consider, inter alia, the unaudited financial results for the quarter and nine months ending 31 December 2015.
    As per NSE Circular No NSE/CML/2013/15 dated 18 December 2013 regarding Trading Window Disclosures by Companies, this is to inform you that as per the Company's Code of Conduct for prohibition of insider trading, the trading window for dealing in the securities of the Company would remain closed from 1 January 2016 to 6 February 2016 (both days inclusive) for the directors/officers/designated employees of the Company, who have already been informed of the same.

    Thanking you,
    Yours faithfully,
    for Bajaj Auto Limited,


    NOTICE 10

    25 September 2015

    Corporate Relationship Dept
    BSE Limited
    1st Floor, New Trading Ring
    Rotunda Building, P J Tower
    Dalal Street, Fort
    MUMBAI 400 001
    Email: corp.relations@bseindia.com

    BSE Code : 532977

    Corporate Listing Department
    National Stock Exchange of India Ltd
    Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor
    Plot No.C-1, G Block
    Bandra-Kurla Complex
    Bandra (East), MUMBAI 400 051


    Dear Sir/s :

    Sub: Intimation under Regulation 29 of SEBI Listing Regulations, 2015

    This is to inform you that the board of directors of Bajaj Auto Limited will meet on Wednesday, 21 October 2015 at Pune to consider, inter alia, the unaudited financial results for the quarter and half year ending 30 September 2015.
    As per NSE Circular No NSE/CML/2013/15 dated 18 December 2013 regarding Trading Window Disclosures by Companies, this is to inform you that as per the Company's Code of Conduct for prohibition of insider trading, the trading window for dealing in the securities of the Company would remain closed from 1 October 2015 to 23 October 2015 (both days inclusive) for the directors/officers/designated employees of the Company, who have already been informed of the same.

    Thanking you,
    Yours faithfully,
    for Bajaj Auto Limited,


    NOTICE 11

    29 June 2015

    Corporate Relationship Dept
    BSE Limited
    1st Floor, New Trading Ring
    Rotunda Building, P J Tower
    Dalal Street, Fort
    MUMBAI 400 001

    BSE Code : 532977

    Corporate Listing Department
    National Stock Exchange of India Ltd
    Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor
    Plot No.C-1, G Block
    Bandra-Kurla Complex
    Bandra (East), MUMBAI 400 051


    Dear Sir/s :

    Sub: Intimation under Regulation 29 of SEBI Listing Regulations, 2015

    This is to inform you that the board of directors of Bajaj Auto Limited will meet on Thursday, 23 July 2015 at Pune to consider, inter alia, the unaudited financial results for the first quarter ending 30 June 2015.
    As per NSE Circular No NSE/CML/2013/15 dated 18 December 2013 regarding Trading Window Disclosures by Companies, this is to inform you that as per the Company's Code of Conduct for prohibition of insider trading, the trading window for dealing in the securities of the Company would remain closed from 1 July 2015 to 25 July 2015 (both days inclusive) for the directors/officers/designated employees of the Company, who have already been informed of the same.

    Thanking you,
    Yours faithfully,
    for Bajaj Auto Limited,


    NOTICE 12

    13 March 2015

    Corporate Relations Dept.
    BSE Limited
    1st Floor, New Trading Ring
    Rotunda Building, P J Tower
    Dalal Street, Fort
    MUMBAI 400 001
    Email: corp.relations@bseindia.com

    BSE Code : 532977

    Corporate Listing Department
    National Stock Exchange of India Ltd
    Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor
    Plot No.C-1, G Block
    Bandra-Kurla Complex
    Bandra (East), MUMBAI 400 051


    Dear Sir/s :

    Sub: Intimation under Regulation 29 of SEBI Listing Regulations, 2015

    This is to notify that the board of directors of Bajaj Auto Limited will meet on Thursday, 21 May 2015 at Pune to consider, inter alia, the audited financial results and statements of accounts for the year ended 31 March 2015 and dividend on equity shares for the said year.
    The company intends to publish its audited financial results for the year 2014-15, immediately after the board meeting on 21 May 2015, i.e. within a period of sixty days from the end of the last quarter of the said financial year and the company will not separately announce the unaudited financial results for the last quarter ended 31 March 2015.
    As per NSE Circular No NSE/CML/2013/15 dated 18 December 2013 regarding Trading Window Disclosures by Companies, this is to inform you that as per the Company's Code of Conduct for prohibition of insider trading, the trading window for dealing in the securities of the Company would remain closed from 1 April 2015 to 23 May 2015 (both days inclusive) for the directors/officers/designated employees of the Company, who have already been informed of the same.

    Thanking you,
    Yours faithfully,
    for Bajaj Auto Limited,


    NOTICE 13

    19 December 2014

    Corporate Relationship Dept
    BSE Limited
    1st Floor, New Trading Ring
    Rotunda Building, P J Tower
    Dalal Street, Fort
    MUMBAI 400 001

    Stock Code : 532977

    Dear Sir/s :


    This is to inform you that the board of directors of Bajaj Auto Limited will meet on Thursday, 15 January 2015 at Pune to consider, inter alia, the unaudited financial results for the quarter and nine months ending 31 December 2014.
    As per NSE Circular No NSE/CML/2013/15 dated 18 December 2013 regarding Trading Window Disclosures by Companies, this is to inform you that as per the Company's Code of Conduct for prohibition of insider trading, the trading window for dealing in the securities of the Company would remain closed from 1 January 2015 to 16 January 2015 (both days inclusive) for the directors/officers/designated employees of the Company, who have already been informed of the same.

    Thanking you,
    Yours faithfully,
    for Bajaj Auto Limited,


    Notice 14

    24 September 2014

    Corporate Relationship Dept
    BSE Limited
    1st Floor, New Trading Ring
    Rotunda Building, P J Tower
    Dalal Street, Fort
    MUMBAI 400 001

    Stock Code : 532977

    Dear Sir/s :


    This is to inform you that the board of directors of Bajaj Auto Limited will meet on Tuesday, 14 October 2014 at Pune to consider, inter alia, the unaudited financial results for the quarter and half-year ending 30 September 2014.

    Thanking you,
    Yours faithfully,
    for Bajaj Auto Limited,


    Notice 15

    24 June 2014

    Corporate Relationship Dept
    BSE Limited
    1st Floor, New Trading Ring
    Rotunda Building, P J Tower
    Dalal Street, Fort
    MUMBAI 400 001

    Dear Sir/s :


    This is to inform you that the board of directors of Bajaj Auto Limited will meet on Thursday, 17 July 2014 at Pune to consider, inter alia, the unaudited financial results for the first quarter ending 30 June 2014.
    As per NSE Circular No NSE/CML/2013/15 dated 18 December 2013 regarding Trading Window Disclosures by Companies, this is to inform you that as per the Company’s Code of Conduct for prohibition of insider trading, the trading window for dealing in the securities of the Company would remain closed from 1 July 2014 to 18 July 2014 (both days inclusive) for the directors/officers/designated employees of the Company, who have already been informed of the same.

    Thanking you,
    Yours faithfully,
    for Bajaj Auto Limited,


    Notice 16

    31 March 2014

    Corporate Relations Dept.
    BSE Limited
    1st Floor, New Trading Ring
    Rotunda Building, P J Tower
    Dalal Street, Fort
    MUMBAI 400 001

    BSE Code : 532977

    Dear Sir/s :


    This is to notify that the board of directors of Bajaj Auto Limited will meet on Thursday, 15 May 2014 at Pune to consider, inter alia, the audited financial results and statements of accounts for the year ended 31 March 2014 and dividend on equity shares for the said year.
    The company intends to publish its audited financial results for the year 2013-14, immediately after the board meeting on 15 May 2014, i.e. within a period of sixty days from the end of the last quarter of the said financial year and the company will not separately announce the unaudited financial results for the last quarter ended 31 March 2014.
    As per NSE Circular No NSE/CML/2013/15 dated 18 December 2013 regarding Trading Window Disclosures by Companies, this is to inform you that as per the Company's Code of Conduct for prohibition of insider trading, the trading window for dealing in the securities of the Company would remain closed from 1 April 2014 to 16 May 2014 (both days inclusive) for the directors/officers/designated employees of the Company, who have already been informed of the same.

    Thanking you,
    Yours faithfully,
    for Bajaj Auto Limited,


    Notice 17

    17 December 2013

    Corporate Relationship Dept
    BSE Limited
    1st Floor, New Trading Ring
    Rotunda Building, P J Tower
    Dalal Street, Fort
    MUMBAI 400 001

    Dear Sir/s :


    This is to inform you that the board of directors of Bajaj Auto Limited will meet on Thursday, 16 January 2014 at Pune to consider, inter alia, the unaudited financial results for the quarter and nine months ending 31 December 2013.

    Thanking you,
    Yours faithfully,
    for Bajaj Auto Limited,


    Notice 18

    28 September 2013

    Corporate Relationship Dept
    BSE Limited
    1st Floor, New Trading Ring
    Rotunda Building, P J Tower
    Dalal Street, Fort
    MUMBAI 400 001

    Dear Sir/s :


    This is to inform you that the board of directors of Bajaj Auto Limited will meet on Wednesday, 16 October 2013 at Pune to consider, inter alia, the unaudited financial results for the quarter and half-year ending 30 September 2013.

    Thanking you,
    Yours faithfully,
    for Bajaj Auto Limited,


    Notice 19

    21 June 2013

    Corporate Relationship Dept
    BSE Limited
    1st Floor, New Trading Ring
    Rotunda Building, P J Tower
    Dalal Street, Fort
    MUMBAI 400 001

    Dear Sir/s :


    This is to inform you that the board of directors of Bajaj Auto Limited will meet on Friday, 19 July 2013 at Pune to consider, inter alia, the unaudited financial results for the first quarter ending 30 June 2013.

    Thanking you,
    Yours faithfully,
    for Bajaj Auto Limited,


    Notice 20

    15 April 2013

    Corporate Relations Dept.
    BSE Limited
    1st Floor, New Trading Ring
    Rotunda Building, P J Tower
    Dalal Street, Fort
    MUMBAI 400 001

    Dear Sir/s :


    This is to notify that the board of directors of Bajaj Auto Limited will meet on Thursday, 16 May 2013 at Pune to consider, inter alia, the audited financial results and statements of accounts for the year ended 31 March 2013 and dividend on equity shares for the said year.
    The company intends to publish its audited financial results for the year 2012-13, immediately after the board meeting on 16 May 2013, i.e. within a period of sixty days from the end of the last quarter of the said financial year and the company will not separately announce the unaudited financial results for the last quarter ended 31 March 2013.

    Thanking you,
    Yours faithfully,
    for Bajaj Auto Limited,


    Notice 21

    19 December 2012

    Corporate Relationship Dept
    BSE Limited
    1st Floor, New Trading Ring
    Rotunda Building, P J Tower
    Dalal Street, Fort
    MUMBAI 400 001

    Dear Sir/s :


    This is to inform you that the board of directors of Bajaj Auto Limited will meet on Wednesday, 16 January 2013 at Pune to consider, inter alia, the unaudited financial results for the quarter and nine months ending 31 December 2012.

    Thanking you,
    Yours faithfully,
    for Bajaj Auto Limited,


    Notice 22

    22 June 2012

    Corporate Relationship Dept
    BSE Limited
    1st Floor, New Trading Ring
    Rotunda Building, P J Tower
    Dalal Street, Fort
    MUMBAI 400 001

    Dear Sir/s :


    This is to inform you that the board of directors of Bajaj Auto Limited will meet on Wednesday, 18 July 2012 at 10.30 am at Pune to consider, inter alia, the unaudited financial results for the first quarter ending 30 June 2012.

    Thanking you,
    Yours faithfully,
    for Bajaj Auto Limited,


    Notice 23

    19 April 2012

    Corporate Relationship Dept
    BSE Limited
    1st Floor, New Trading Ring
    Rotunda Building, P J Tower
    Dalal Street, Fort
    MUMBAI 400 001

    Dear Sir/s :


    This is to notify that the board of directors of Bajaj Auto Limited will meet on Thursday, 17 May 2012 at 11.00 am at Pune to consider, inter alia, the audited financial results and statements of accounts for the year ended 31 March 2012 and dividend on equity shares for the said year.
    The company intends to publish its audited financial results for the year 2011-12, immediately after the board meeting on 17 May 2012, i.e. within a period of sixty days from the end of the last quarter of the said financial year and the company will not separately announce the unaudited financial results for the last quarter ended 31 March 2012.

    Thanking you,
    Yours faithfully,
    for Bajaj Auto Limited,


    Notice 24

    28 September 2012

    Corporate Relations Dept.
    BSE Limited
    1st Floor, New Trading Ring
    Rotunda Building, P J Tower
    Dalal Street, Fort
    MUMBAI 400 001

    Dear Sir/s :


    This is to inform you that the board of directors of Bajaj Auto Limited will meet on Saturday, 20 October 2012 at Pune to consider, inter alia, the unaudited financial results for the quarter and half-year ending 30 September 2012.

    Thanking you,
    Yours faithfully,
    for Bajaj Auto Limited,


    Notice 25

    March 28, 2012

    Corporate Relationship Dept
    BSE Limited
    1st Floor, New Trading Ring
    Rotunda Building, P J Tower
    Dalal Street, Fort
    MUMBAI 400 001

    Dear Sir/s :

    Sub: Resignation by Shri Sanjiv Bajaj as Executive Director

    In terms of Clause 30 of the Listing Agreement, we wish to inform that Shri Sanjiv Bajaj, in view of his appointment as Managing Director in Bajaj Holdings & Investment Limited, has resigned as Executive Director of the Company with effect from 1 April 2012.
    He will continue as a director in a non-executive capacity with effect from 1 April 2012.
    Please take the same on your record.

    Thanking you,
    Yours faithfully,
    for Bajaj Auto Limited,


    Notice 26

    20 December 2011

    Corporate Relationship Dept
    BSE Limited
    1st Floor, New Trading Ring
    Rotunda Building, P J Tower
    Dalal Street, Fort
    MUMBAI 400 001

    Dear Sir/s :


    This is to inform you that the board of directors of Bajaj Auto Limited will meet on Thursday, 19 January 2012 at 11.30 am at Pune to consider, inter alia, the unaudited financial results for the quarter and nine months ending 31 December 2011.

    Thanking you,
    Yours faithfully,
    for Bajaj Auto Limited,


    Notice 27

    26 September 2011

    Corporate Relationship Dept
    BSE Limited
    1st Floor, New Trading Ring
    Rotunda Building, P J Tower
    Dalal Street, Fort
    MUMBAI 400 001

    Dear Sir/s :


    This is to inform you that the board of directors of Bajaj Auto Limited will meet on Thursday, 20 October 2011 at 11.30 a m at Pune to consider, inter alia, the unaudited financial results for the quarter and half-year ending 30 September 2011.

    Thanking you,
    Yours faithfully,
    for Bajaj Auto Limited,


    Notice 28

    20 May 2011

    Corporate Relationship Dept
    The Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd
    1st Floor, New Trading Ring
    Rotunda Building, P J Tower
    Dalal Street, Fort
    MUMBAI 400 001

    Dear Sir/s :


    Type of
    Book Closure Record
    From To
    532977 BAJAJ -
    01/07/2011 14/07/2011 - For the purpose of Annual General Meeting scheduled on 14 July 2011 and payment of dividend upon being declared thereat
    (both days inclusive)

    *As allotted by BOMBAY STOCK EXCHANGE

    **As allotted by NATIONAL STOCK EXCHANGE

    Payment of dividend when declared at the Fourth Annual General Meeting being convened on 14 July 2011 will be credited / dispatched between 18 July 2011 and 20 July 2011, to those shareholders whose names appear :

    a) as beneficial owners as at the end of the business on Thursday, 30 June 2011, as per the details furnished by National Securities Depository Ltd and Central Depository Services (India) Ltd in respect of the shares held in electronic form; and
    b) as members in the Register of Members of the Company after giving effect to all valid share transfers in physical form lodged with the Company before the closing of office hours on Thursday, 30 June 2011.

    Thanking you,
    Yours faithfully,
    for Bajaj Auto Limited,


    Shareholding Pattern

    Shareholding pattern XBRL filling consists of two processes. Firstly generation of XBRL/XML file of the Shareholding pattern, and upload of generated XBRL/XML file to BSE Listing Center.

    Important Note for Shareholders of the Company Holding Shares in Demat Form

    Postal Ballot Notice and Postal Ballot Form 2020

    Draft Articles of Association Postal Ballot Notice dated 30 January 2020

    Postal Ballot Notice and Postal Ballot Form

    Procedure for dematerialisation of securities

    Form SH 13 - Nomination

    Form SH 14 - Cancellation of nomination

    IEPF Amendment Rules, 2017

    Terms of appointment of Independent Director

    Notice of candidature of directors

      Stock Exchange Filings

      BM Notice- 19 January 2022

      Update on incorporation of a Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company

      BAL-Disclosure of RPTs- 30 September 2021

      Intimation of proposed formation of a Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company

      Resignation of CFO

      Update on Incorporation of a Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company

      Press release issued by KTM AG- 29 September 2021

      BM Notice- 27 October 2021

      Press release issued by KTM AG- 26 July 2021

      Outcome of AGM July 2021

      Resignation of Dr. Omkar Goswami

      BM Notice- 22 July 2021

      BAL Annual Secretarial Audit Report-2020-21

      BAL-Disclosure of RPTs- 31 March 2021

      Change in Directors – 29 April 2021

      Intimation of outcome of the Meeting -29 April 2021

      BM Notice- 29 April 2021

      Intimation of press release in respect of KTM AG

      Intimation of outcome of the Meeting 17 March 2021

      Intimation of outcome of the Meeting -21 January 2021

      Press release - Bajaj Auto Limited becoming World’s Most Valuable Two-wheeler Company

      Press release in respect of MOU with Government Of Maharashtra

      BM Notice 21 January 2020

      Intimation of press release in respect of KTM AG

      BAL-Disclosure of RPTs-30 September 2020

      Intimation of outcome of the Meeting -22 October 2020

      BM Notice - 22 October 2020

      Disclosure on Impact Assessment of COVID 19 pandemic

      Intimation of outcome of the Meeting -22 July 2020

      Intimation of outcome of the Meeting -20 May 2020

      Change in Directors - 20 May 2020

      BAL Disclosure of RPTs 31 March 2020

      BM Notice- 20 May 2020

      Temporary suspension of operations due to pandemic of Novel Coronavirus (COVID19)

      Re-appointment of Managing Director & Independent Director of the Company

      Intimation of sad demise of Shri Nanoo Pamnani

      BM Notice- 21 February 2020

      Intimation of outcome of the Meeting-30 January 2020

      BM Notice- 30 January 2020

      BAL Disclosure of RPTs 30 September 2019

      Intimation of outcome of the Meeting -23 October 2019

      BM Notice- 23 October 2019

      Intimation of outcome of the Meeting - 26 July 2019

      BM Notice- 26 July 2019

      Newspaper-IEPF Notice-20 June 2019

      BM Notice- 17 May 2019

      Intimation of outcome of the Meeting -17 May 2019

      BAL-Disclosure of RPTs-31 March 2019

      Bajaj Auto Limited - Change in Directors and Chief Financial Officer - 13 March 2019

      Intimation of outcome of the Meeting -30 January 2019

      Intimation of outcome of the Meeting - 24 October 18

      Changes in Directors - 24 October 18

      Notice of BM dated 20 July 2018- published on 22 June 2018.

      Notice of BM dated 18 May 2018- published on 19 April 2018

      Notice of BM dated 2 February 2018- published on 4 January 2018

      Intimation of half yearly communication - 2 November 2017

      Notice of BM dated 17 October 2017 - published on 22 September 2017

      Appointment of new director - 14 September 2017

      Intimation to Stock Exchange - 8 August 2017

      Notice of AGM & notice in newspapers - 27 June 17

      Intimation of outcome of BM – 18 May 17

      Change in Auditors – 18 May 17

      Appointment of new directors – 18 May 17

      Intimation of IEPF Notice in newspapers – 26 Apr 17

      Resignation of Director - 11 Apr 17

      Clarification on news item - 27 Mar 17

      Change in Board of Directors - 15 Mar 17

      Intimation of outcome of BM – 31 Jan 17

      Intimation of IEPF Notice in newspapers – 12 Dec 16

      Intimation of half yearly communication – 22 Nov 16

      Intimation of outcome of BM – 28 Oct 16

      AGM proceedings – 27 Jul 16

      Intimation of outcome of BM – 27 Jul 16

      Intimation of outcome of BM – 25 May 16

      BAL - Discl under Reg 30 – Agmt with KTM

      Appointment of WTD/ED - 16 Mar 16

      Intimation of outcome of BM – 9 Mar 16

      Intimation of outcome of BM – 4 Feb 16

      Intimation of sad demise of Shri S H Khan

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