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Open to All - Active students of any Year from UG/PG/Dual Degree/Others

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About the challenge

  • Students must register in a team of 2 or 3.
  • Cross-specialization teams can participate.
  • One participant cannot be a member of more than one team.
  • A team should consist of team members of the same campus
  • There is no restriction on the number of teams from an Institute.
  • Only the registered teams will receive the exclusive invite to attend the case launch of TORQ
  • Bajaj Auto Ltd. reserves the right to check the validity of the registration information submitted at any point in time.
  • All the team members need to be present on the day of the jury evaluation, failing which their entry shall stand disqualified.
  • Any deviation from the above will result in immediate disqualification of the entire team.
  • Explore and answer the questions to become the quiz winner. Top teams from each campus, based on speed and accuracy to be declared as winners.
Click here to take the Quiz
Design Thinking Challenge
  • Design Thinking that engages students in a mix of realistic technical and technological scenarios where they must apply the concepts, they've learnt to achieve the most desirable and optimal outcome.
Click here to take the Simulation
Grand Finale
  • Top 10 teams to explain their decisions taking during the simulation, backed with scientific concepts, in the form of a deck.
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