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1st year B-School students

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Bajaj Heat Challenge

Heats Challenge is currently live. Share with us a treasured memory – that one ride amongst many, which you will always remember. Participate Now

Past Statistics

Bajaj Campus Past Statistics

Number of Colleges 10

Bajaj Campus Competition Participants

Number of Students Registered 3496

Bajaj Campus Winner

Number of Campus Winners 45

Bajaj Campus Competition Runner Up

Number of Campus Runners up 34

Bajaj Competition Cash Prize

Total Cash Prizes rolled out ₹ 32.8 Lakhs

Bajaj Offroad-No. Of Ppi'S

Number of PPIs offered 104


Campus Winners

₹ 50,000 & PPOs/PPIs

Campus Runners-Up

₹ 20,000 & PPOs/PPIs

Star Finalists*


*PPOs/PPIs to be rolled out to multiple finalists basis performance

heats challenge

Offroad Bajaj Bike Models

Bring out the storyteller within you. Share with us a treasured memory (one page) – that one ride, amongst many, that you will always remember.

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*File limit size 3MB. Acceptable formats: pdf, doc, docx
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